Anxiety can control your life, but it does not have to, so don't let it.
Anxiety is a natural and essential emotional response to perceived danger or stress. It involves feelings of tension, worry, and physical changes such as increased heart rate. We need anxiety to alert us to danger so we can take action to remove ourselves from the danger, as safely, and as fast as possible. While anxiety can be a normal reaction to stressful situations, it can become problematic when it is excessive, persistent, and interferes with daily functioning. Our modern daily lives involve stresses that are often out with our control and occur on a daily basis e.g. traffic on way to and from work.
Symptoms of Anxiety
Emotional: Feelings of apprehension, fear, or unease.
Physical: Sweating, trembling, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, and shallow breathing.
Cognitive: Worrying thoughts, difficulty concentrating, and thinking the worst.
Behavioural: Avoidance of certain situations or activities, restlessness, and changes in sleeping or eating patterns.
Take control with these 5 top tips for reducing anxiety.
1. Journaling – write down how you feel both emotionally and physically
2. Physical activity – walking, running, gardening, swimming, kundalini yoga
3. Mindfulness – tune in to how your body and mind are
4. Breathing exercises – 4-7-8 technique
Breathe in for count of 4
Hold breath for count of 7
Breathe out for count of 8
5. Talk to friends, family or co-workers

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